Improving access by removing barriers!

20160803_113052_resizedKeeping with the ground level theme of my new clinic space at 331C 6th Street, I am signing up for direct billing to extended medical insurers. Blue Cross members can now enjoy this convenience! This means that if you have 100% coverage, there is no exchange of money or having to submit your own claims. I do it all for you, including finding out what coverage you have. Only have 80% coverage? Too easy; 20% will be billed to you at time of treatment, that is only $19 cost to you. Have questions or want to book in now for massage therapy, call 250 338 4515 today! Coming this fall, direct billing for sunlife, manulife, great west life, chamber of commerce group plans, desjardins, cowan, johnson and maximum benefit!

Have you had success with massage therapy improving your quality of life or decreasing your symptoms?  Please share your experience with your Doctor or friends!  Perhaps massage therapy could be of benefit to others as well!  We need to start sharing our strengths and what has helped you personally to improve options and choices for everyone!  Did you know that massage therapy can help with hiccups, painful feet, decreased grip strength of hands, bladder infections, sciatic pain, numbness and tingling. Just to name a few.   I love explaining how our bodies function to improve our understanding and self awareness!